Elizabeth Brown, Arizona, 2023
“Dear Marty and Stella, […] I want to tell you both how eternally grateful I am. I noticed a dramatic shift almost immediately and I continue to improve 😊 It’s hard to express in words the impact Wuttke IPI has had on my life. A real game-changer. I Do hope to make it back for another round. Still riding this first wave.”

"Marty and Stella genuinely cared about my wellbeing and were truly committed to making my world a better place. They did exactly that, and with a smile!"
Johnathan Cleary, Santa Barbara, CA, 2023
“Going back several decades, the TV show, Star Trek, popularized the notion that space was the “final frontier.” I see it differently. I believe the true final frontier to be the brain and, by extension, the mind.
In the exploration and mapping of this small yet vast, complex frontier that lies at the center of our cognitive and physical universe, Marty and Stella Wuttke are truly pioneers who are already making a difference.
Marrying neuroscience plus cutting-edge technology with ancient wisdom and spirituality, Stella and Marty combine their expertise, insights, and compassion to enable people to rebalance and realign brain activity, that is, to identify and then re-train neural patterns that give rise to both physical and mental problems and otherwise block the realization of one’s full potential.
My own experience is a testament to their capabilities:
• I sought help from Marty and Stella after the end of a more than 800-day period of intense, high-speed, 15-hour days that required high performance and hypervigilance. To say that I was physically, energetically, and cognitively depleted would be an understatement.
• By electronically mapping my brain, Marty was able to pinpoint the part of my brain that was stuck in hyper-drive, akin to what underlies PTSD, and then surgically, (but non-invasively), using well-honed, neuro-feedback techniques, to “cool down” that part of my brain that was constantly stuck in the ON position.
• In parallel with Marty’s work, Stella was instrumental in helping me regain my energy by working her “magic” with Sound Vibration Therapy.
Subsequent brain mapping, data from my biometric watch that measures energy building and reserves, plus the improvement in my physical and cognitive abilities, and my ability to sleep, confirmed the effectiveness and benefits of their work in just a few months – about 20 sessions, as I recall.
In thinking about my experience working with Marty and Stella, two other things come to mind.
• First, it really wasn’t work. Other than just showing up, my participation was entirely without effort. I didn’t have to learn and understand the technical intricacies and nuances of what they do; Stella and Marty did all the work!
• Second, throughout the process, I felt Marty and Stella genuinely cared about my well-being and were truly committed to making my world a better place. They did exactly that, and with a smile!”

Matt, Texas, 2023
“Marty and Stella’s practice goes further than just the science behind neurofeedback. It’s their commitment to healing people that are struggling in life. In a world that judges us on how much material things we collect. These 2 people care about us no matter what we have or don’t have. They see the beauty in us way before we do. Neurofeedback is helpful but Marty and Stella and their commitment to healing are the true healers in this space.”

"By training my brain to achieve more balanced states, I discovered a newfound sense of calm and resilience in the face of life's challenges."
Anonymous, Santa Barbara, CA, 2023
“I recently embarked on the journey of healing and personal growth through neurofeedback, and the experience has been nothing short of incredible. Neurofeedback has improved my life in ways I never thought possible, empowering me to tap into a newfound sense of clarity, focus, and well-being.
From the moment I began my neurofeedback sessions, I was met with a warm and welcoming environment, where Marty and Stella guided me through the process with expertise and compassion. Their deep understanding of the human brain and its complex workings gave me confidence in the effectiveness of this groundbreaking therapy.
Through a series of training sessions, I learned to diminish the power of my overactive amygdala and enhance my ability to focus. One of the most noticeable benefits I experienced was a significant reduction in stress and anxiety levels and the experience of feeling “triggered.” Neurofeedback allowed me to identify and address patterns of neural imbalance that were contributing to my feelings of overwhelm. By training my brain to achieve more balanced states, I discovered a newfound sense of calm and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.
Another area where neurofeedback truly shone was in enhancing my focus and concentration. As someone who often struggled with distractions and a wandering mind, I was amazed at how this therapy honed my ability to sustain attention and stay on task. The clarity and mental agility I gained through neurofeedback have impacted all relationships in my life.
I must emphasize that neurofeedback is not an instant fix or a magic pill. It requires commitment, resources, and active attention outside of the training sessions, which included meditation for me. However, the results are undeniably worth the effort. Neurofeedback is a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and unlocking the untapped potential within each of us. I wholeheartedly recommend neurofeedback from IPI as a powerful resource for personal growth and change.”

Anonymous, Montecito, CA, 2023
“I am grateful for the healing care I am getting with Dr. Stella at the Wuttke Infinite Potential Institute. At my first visit she explained the science behind Sound Vibration Therapy and the benefit which comes from aligning the body’s energy. I have been working with Stella for about six months and definitely feel more relaxed, centered, and energized. This therapy is a gift I give myself in order to maximize my quality of life.”

“As leading experts in this field, I feel truly blessed to be under the expert care of Marty and Stella.”
Kelsey Samuel, Santa Barbara, CA, 2022
“I have a new lease on life thanks to the Neurofeedback I have received from the Wuttke Infinite Potential Network. Over the course of my life I recall three instances where I hit my head and had what I classify as “mild” concussion (never saw a Dr.) from rappelling, motorcycling and snowboarding. But collectively, as I reach “middle-age” these “minor” incidents were causing me memory/ recall issues and occasional unreasonable anger. I am very fortunate to have had a very swift positive response to Neurofeedback training- I no longer have outbursts of anger and frustration; much improved mental clarity and recall; and overall an unexpected sense of happiness and well-being. I realize that everyone will have different responses to treatment, but this non-evasive, non-drug treatment has been life-affirming for me. I am back to processing and functioning at a much higher level- I can even read music more easily! As leading experts in this field, I feel truly blessed to be under the expert care of Marty and Stella.”

Fran Lewbel, Santa Barbara, CA, 2023
“My experience with Marty Wuttke and Stella Wuttke has been incredible. Many learnings, shifts, transformations, and support that have created peace, calm, and power in my life. I first met Marty when I was deep in the throes of Misophonia.
Misophonia is a sensitivity to sounds: chewing, slurping, gum cracking, ice chewing, etc. It was completely out of control and I was out of control. I stopped going to the theater, eating with certain people, etc and I was becoming really angry and frustrated. It was running my life. Fast forward- Marty!!!!!
I started NeuroFeedback and it was life-changing. I could hear and see the chewing but something had shifted where it wasn’t so visceral in my body and mind and I could move through it. I committed to a series and my life with misophonia unfolded in a very different way. More grace and ease for sure! I go monthly for follow-ups and that does the trick. In addition, I’ve added Stella to my protocol. She does sound healing therapy which has become another tool for me. Creating a shift, a real shift takes a village…..emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical. Marty and Stella are my village. The office is beautiful. Peaceful, calm and lovely. Marty’s wealth of knowledge in his field is unsurpassed. He is authentic, calm, warm, and kind. Stella is the most beautiful being, exuding love, joy, kindness, and warmth. Her energetic and healing art is beautiful. I am so grateful!”

“I did 3 intensives with Marty and Stella Wuttke at their clinic in 2016, 2018 and 2021, and each time it’s been very supportive of my wellness…”
Helene Lindahn, Ashville, NC, 2022
“I did 3 intensives with Marty and Stella Wuttke at their clinic in 2016, 2018 and 2021, and each time it’s been very supportive of my wellness and spiritual awareness. I recommend these highly skilled and compassionate healers to anyone who’s dedicated to spiritual awakening.”

Beau Schmidt (2nd), Santa Barbara, CA, 2022
“I had no idea what to expect when I signed up for a Sound Vibration Therapy session with Stella. I instantly trusted both her and Marty from meeting them and after touring their space I was very impressed. Their oversized space is claded with beautiful artwork and a tasteful display of relics and crystals. I got rave reviews from a few friends so I decided to sign up.
I don’t want to give away too much about the practice, but when the session started I felt my body crave the sound created by the beautiful tools Stella played. After 10 minutes (I think) my body dropped into a deep healing sleep that felt so regenerating and cleansing. After about 25 minutes she woke me up by asking me a few questions that unlocked events and emotions that have been long locked away.
By the end of the healing I felt deeply nourished and quite frankly astonished by the hour and fifteen minutes we spent together. I Just booked my fourth session with Stella and feel like elements of myself are becoming more unlocked with each therapy. Infinite Potential Institute has a big name to live up to… they do.”

“A better nights sleep”
Benny Bermudez, Santa Barbara, CA, 2022
“There are so many ways that my life has changed for the better since working with Marty and Stella, but the number 1 has been my ability to get a better night’s sleep. I was always so jealous of those who could get into bed and fall asleep, I was one who would toss and turn for what felt like hours, now within 15 minutes I’m out. Thanks, IPI!”