Research on Autism with the University of Jena: How to improve social skills with neurofeedback
Principal Investigators: Prof. Dr. Stefan R. Schweinberger & Dr. Stella J. Wuttke
One of the major challenges for people diagnosed high on the autism spectrum order is the ability to relate and interact with other people. This project aims to study the potential of a specific type of EEG neurofeedback to treat Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), by focusing on Mu waves that have been linked to the mirror neuron system of the brain. This project will focus on improving social cognition and interaction in people with ASDs via neurofeedback training (NFT).
The impact of NFT will be assessed via behavioral clinical tests (such as the Autism Spectrum Quotient, the WHO quality of life questionnaire), experimental tests (such as on facial emotion recognition) and event-related brain potentials (ERPs) that correlate with specific aspects of social cognition. The project will deliver a targeted therapeutic method for ASD that is potentially as effective as standard medication-based therapy but with longer-lasting effects and no negative side effects.
Autism Unit at the University of Jena

The Way Of Neurofeedback: Claiming one’s true nature of inner freedom and happiness
Principal Investigators: Dr. Stella J. Wuttke
The “Way Of Neurofeedback” (WON) project explores how contemporary neurofeedback technology, combined with techniques described in ancient Vedic texts, can together inform and accelerate people’s innermost urge for spiritual unfoldment.
In the past few decades, the perception of meditation has changed dramatically, from being considered a hippy-dippy new-age phenomenon to something that everyone from movie stars to highly successful business people on Wall Street engage in. The reason for this revolution is simple: the manifold benefits of meditation practice, such as higher resilience to stress, improved concentration, and emotional balance, are now widely known and studied.
Although these “side effects” of meditation are highly desirable, some of them can only be gained after years or even decades of regular meditation practice. This project, “Way of Neurofeedback” (WON), proposes that meditation progress can be accelerated by neurofeedback training. Through the WON approach, we expect that the beneficial effects of meditation can be experienced more powerfully and spiritual growth will be enhanced to a greater extent than through meditation practice alone.
This project aims to strengthen the positive public image of neurofeedback and communicate the Way of Neurofeedback (WON) through three avenues: Publishing books, teaching the WON philosophy in theory and practice, and conducting scientific research to test our WON hypothesis that neurofeedback can enhance the benefits of meditation and related practices.
This 5-year project started in January 2019 and is ongoing.

Principal Investigators: Dr. Stella J. Wuttke & Randy Modos